Translation: Vernietiging ( 2014)Īceitação ? Aceitacao ( 2016).The Secret Lives of Rick and Peggy ( 2006).The Secret Live of Maria McCune ( 2006).Translation: Das andere Leben des Shane Hamill ( 2007).Variant: The Secret Life of Shane Hamill ( 2006).My Report on the Secret Life of Shane Hamill ( 2006).The Secret Life of Dave Driscoll ( 2006).The Secret Paths of Rajan Khanna ( 2006).Translation: Das andere Leben des Bibliothekars Bob Scheffel ( 2007).The Secret Life of Librarian Bob Scheffel ( 2005).The Strange Bird: A Borne Story ( 2017).Shriek: An Afterword (excerpt) ( 2005).Translation: Die Freilassung Belacquas ( 2005).Translation: Der Mann, der keine Augen hatte ( 2005).The Man Who Had No Eyes (encrypted) ( 2002).Translation: Die Familiengeschichte der Hoegbottons ( 2005).The Hoegbotton Family History ( 2002).Translation: In den Stunden nach dem Tod ( 2005).Variant: An Early History of Ambergris ( 2006).

Translation: Hoegbottons Führer zur Frühgeschichte von Ambra von Duncan Shriek ( 2005).Variant: The Hoechbotton Guide to the Early History of the City of Ambergris ( unknown).The Hoegbotton Guide to the Early History of Ambergris by Duncan Shriek ( 1999).Translation: Die Verwandlung des Martin See ( 2005).The Transformation of Martin Lake ( 1999).Translation: Der seltsame Fall von X ( 2005).Translation: Zaljubljeni Dradin ( 2001).Translation: Wie man das Fleisch verläßt ( 2005).Translation: La cité des saints et des fous ( 2006).Translation: Stadt der Heiligen und Verrückten ( 2005).Never display translations Registered users can choose which translations are shown. This ultimate resource, filled with scores of illustrations and photographs, will appeal to aficionados and novices alike as author Jeff VanderMeer takes the reader on a wild ride through the clockwork corridors of Steampunk past, present and future.Showing all translations. Wells, to the key figures who coined the word that would spawn a literary genre, to the vast community of craftsmen and artists who translated that spark into a lifestyle with clothing and accessories such as goggles, corsets, pocket watches, and with an attitude to match. The Steampunk Bible is the first book of its kind, a fully illustrated compendium tracing the roots and history of this subculture, from the work of its godfathers Jules Verne and H.G. The Steampunk aesthetic now permeates movies, comics, fashion, art and more, and has given a distinct flavor to iconic events such as Maker Faire and the Burning Man festival.

This subculture celebrates the inventor as an artist and hero, re-envisioning and crafting retro technologies including antiquated airships and steam-powered robots. Over the past fifteen years, Steampunk - a mash-up of Victorian and sci-fi aesthetics with a splash of punk rock attitude - has gone from being a literary movement to a part of pop culture and a way of life.